A Hardcore Community Working To Solve Aging

Join the Fellowship

Financial aid available.

Onboarding / Camp
$699 / $1299
$699 for students and early-stage entrepreneurs.
Onboarding Program +
Alumni Accelerator
4-Night Intensive Retreat
(Food+Lodging Included)
12-Week Online Program
Join Your Tribe
Apply Now
$99 / $199
$99 for academics and early-stage entrepreneurs.
For Program Alumni and
Longevity Experts Only*
Network, Invest, Work
Slack, Videos, Working Groups, IRL Events
25% Off Longevity Camps
Apply Now

Discounted rates for students & early stage entrepreneurs only.

*Alumni include attendees of prior Longevity Biotech Fellowship, ODLB, Joint-Foresight and Less Death cohorts.
Experts are people already deep in longevity work who don't need the onboarding program.

Participation requires agreement to our Terms of Service

What others are saying about the Longevity Biotech Fellowship.

"Has given me the necessary understanding of the aging biotech field to pursue professional opportunities”

Engineer @ Google

“Testimonial 2"

Sam Sharifi
Founder @ Matter Bioworks

“Testimonial 3

Mahmud Niloy
Superflow Developer

“Testimonial 4

Mahmud Niloy
Superflow Developer

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find your answer? Contact us.

Contact us

Who should apply?

To be a good fit for the Longevity Biotech Fellowship, you are probably:

- 100% committed to working in longevity (indefinite lifespan extension, specifically) 
- Interested in starting, joining, or investing in longevity biotech startups, FROs, academic labs or similar.
- Have an operating or technical background
- Eager to be an active participant and contributor in a growing longevity-focused community
- Unflinchingly mission-driven.

What's the application process like?

To apply for the onboarding cohort fellowship program (newcomers) or to join the community (longevity professionals):

1. Submit an online application (~ 7 mins).

2. We will review your application. If a good fit, we will contact you to set up a ~20 min Zoom interview to get to understand your goals better and answer any questions you might have.

3. After the interview, successful candidates will be contacted by email to confirm registration and payment.

Is the in-person retreat mandatory?

No, but highly recommended.

We understand not everyone can travel to the locations and so rotate them. If accepted, you may also join a cohort online and attend a future retreat in a location more accessible to you.

Do I need a biology background to apply?


While having formal biology training is an advantage for working in longevity biotech, it is not necessary. Many great founders and operators in our industry come from diverse experience and backgrounds.

We do recommend those who have zero knowledge of biology consider taking a free introductory biology course like MIT's 7.00X.

How much does it cost?

New membership for the Longevity Biotech Fellowship is $1299, which includes:
- 4-day intensive in-person retreat
- 12-week online cohort program
- 1-year access to the Fellowship community.

Annual membership for alumni or those already with a career in longevity is $199/yr for professionals and $99/yr for students and early stage entrepreneurs.

Limited additional financial aid is available by request.

Are there scholarships available?


We want to make the Longevity Biotech Fellowship as accessible as possible -- no matter your financial situation.

All successful applicants who require financial assistance will be given the opportunity to request a scholarship to help cover their cost.

What's the time commitment?

The retreat: 4 days of workshops, talks, project ideation.

Online 12-week program: Minimum 2-4 hours per week - or much more. Project working groups, Masterminds groups, Local Chapters and opportunities to work or volunteer for the LBF, our collaborators, and aligned companies and organizations.