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How to Live Longer

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We can and should solve aging

Jan 12 -16, 2023
Stinson Beach, California.

Aging is modifiable. Animals age differently in nature: some live hundreds of years, some don’t seem to age at all, others are immune to age-related diseases common in humans.

Scientists have edited genes in lab animals to extend lifespan 2-10x and developed drugs that extend lifespan 25% or more. No law of physics prohibits us from eventually eliminating aging completely.

Most importantly, all of us have reasons to live healthier and longer. Whether it's endless curiosity, more time with loved ones, solving problems, creating art, or just enjoying life.

There are countless good reason for humanity to cure aging. Conversely, the suffering of diseases and death are not a moral solution to any problem humanity faces.


There's no way around it, aging is a complex topic. But we've built v1 of a course and assembled syllabus of readings to take you from zero to one.

Longevity Zero to One Course
Recommended Reading List Compendium

Health optimization is trendy, emotionally engaging and somewhat effective, but ultimately it only buys a few extra years. Practice it, but keep perspective.

Peter Attia's The Drive / Early
Bryan Johnson's Blueprint / Don't Die

The longevity industry needs you! Scientists, engineers, investors, entrepreneurs, government, media, operations, outreach. Get to work!

Join the Longevity Biotech Fellowship
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There are a multitude of hard working orgs that could do more with additional support. Every bit helps, in this nascent industry a little bit goes a long way.

Longevity Biotech Fellowship

Policy: Alliance for Longevity Initiatives


Longevity Biotech is <1% of overall pharma+biotech market cap despite aging being the largest untapped market in history. Don't wait, get in early!

Longevity Investors Network
VitaDAO: Crypto Venture Fund

Longevity.Technology News
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We're more effective when we support each other - find the longevity community that matches your region / talents / vibe. There's something for everyone.

Vitalia: A City to Make Death Optional
Vitalism: A Revolutionary Movement

OpenLongevity (Ru/En): Debates!
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