Join the Longevity Revolution

The Longevity Biotech Fellowship (LBF) is a community of hardcore Longevity Accelerationists. Our members build, join, and invest in revolutionary biotechnology projects for radical life extension.

Upcoming Cohorts:
LBF6 @ Berkeley, March 31-April 4.
LBF7 @ Valencia, Spain, Sept 24-28.
Applications are open - See the Announcement!

Our Sponsors & Partners


You can help solve aging

LBF Onboarding Program

Join a community working to Solve Aging

For scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, investors, operators and organizers. You don't need a bio PhD.
4-day workshop retreat with industry experts
(optional online only participation).
12-week online program. Set goals and get support to build or invest in advanced longevity biotech.
1-year membership to the LBF

How the LBF Works

Start with a cohort-based onboarding program, stay for the community. Connect and coordinate with peers and experts on our shared mission to solve aging. Learn, network, find jobs, make hires, get funded, make investments, set goals and get support to realize them.

Build in longevity with your people.
Online and IRL sessions, socials, and networking events with mission-aligned peple from all around the world.
Find your next project, co-founder, job, employee, collaborator, investor, or investments.
Access the Fellowship online platform, Community Slack, and local chapters to stay in touch and support each other.
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Get support on your journey with peers.
Set goals and meet bi-monthly in small group sessions of peers and mentors to get support in realizing them..
Work through your challenges in a supportive environment and get practical tips and guidelines from individuals who’ve been in similar situations.
Develop deep lasting relationships with talented peers from around the world.
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Maximize your Impact
The 12-week cohort program is designed to kickstart, orient and/or accelerate your work to solve aging.
Stay accountable with MasterMind group check-ins, a final "personal demo day", and ongoing community support.
Develop your expertise with expert Q&A, skill development workshops, mentor office hours, peer-led "unconference" sessions, bottleneck breaking working groups.
Understand the industry through our technical roadmap to solving aging. Stay up-to-date with our podcast. Contribute to improving the roadmap through LBF working groups.
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Network Effects
Announce projects, job openings, funding opportunities
Ask and answer science, tech and industry questions
Discuss the latest research and industry news
Get help and advice! Support each other to find employees, funding, co-founders, jobs, and more
Share your favorite longevity memes, practices, and out of the box ideas
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Learn From Industry Leading MENTORS

We're entrepreneurs, scientists, operators, and investors tackling aging.

Kristen Fortney
CEO @ BioAge
Joe Betts-LaCroix
CEO @ Retro Biosciences
Alexandra Bause
Co-founder @ Apollo Health Ventures
Omri Amirav-Drory
General Partner @ Nfx Bio
Anastasiya Giarletta
Principal @ R42 Group
Matthew Scholz
CEO @ Oisin Biotechnologies
Sebastian Brunemeier
CEO @ ImmuneAge Pharma, GP @ Healthspan Capital
Alexandra Stolzing
Professor @ Loughborough University
Matt Kaeberlein
CSO @ Optispan Ventures, Professor @ University of Washington
Jun Axup
Director of Partnerships @ E11 Bio
Kevin Caldwell
CEO @ Ossium Health
Stephanie Dainow
Executive Director @
Ethan Perlstein
CEO @ Perlara
Jean Hebert
Professor @ Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Patrick Burgermeister
Partner @ Kizoo Technology Capital
Matthew 'Oki' O'Connor
Co-founder @ Cyclarity
Sergio Ruiz
Chief Operations Officer @ Turn Biotechnologies
Robin Mansukhani
CEO @ Deciduous Therapeutics
Marco Quarta
CEO @ Rubedo Life Sciences
Petr Sramek
Co-founder @ Longevitytech.Fund
Daniel Ives
CEO @ Shift Bioscience
Collin Ewald
Professor @ ETH Zurich
Kelsey Moody
CEO @ Ichor Life Sciences
Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
Professor @ University of Birmingham
Justin Rebo
CEO @ Kind Bio
Robert Cargill
CEO @ Glionics
Andrew Brack
Co-founder @ Arrive Bio

Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find your answer? Contact us.

Contact us

Who should apply?

To be a good fit for the Longevity Biotech Fellowship, you are probably:

- 100% committed to solving aging (not just "healthspan") 
- Interested in starting, joining, investing, or advocating for hardcore longevity biotech projects. Or are already involved and want to increase your impact.
- Have an entrepreneurial or technical background, or other unique skill that could help accelerate progress
- Are biased to action: Eager to be an active participant and contributor in a growing community
- Unflinchingly mission-driven.

What's the application process like?

To apply for the onboarding cohort fellowship program (newcomers) or to join the community (longevity professionals):

1. Submit an online application (~ 7 mins).

2. We will review your application. If a good fit, we will contact you to set up a ~20 min Zoom interview to get to understand your goals better and answer any questions you might have.

3. After the interview, successful candidates will be contacted by email to confirm registration and payment.

Is the in-person retreat mandatory?

No, but highly recommended.

We understand not everyone can travel to the locations and so rotate them. If accepted, you may also join a cohort online and attend a future retreat in a location more accessible to you.

Do I need a biology background to apply?


While having formal biology training is an advantage for working in longevity biotech, it is not necessary. Many great founders and operators in our industry come from diverse experience and backgrounds such as physics, tech, media, and more.

We do recommend those who have zero knowledge of biology consider taking a free introductory biology course like MIT's 7.00X. And all prospective members should check out ur Recommended Reading List.

How much does it cost?

New membership for the Longevity Biotech Fellowship is $1299 / $699, which includes:
- 4-day intensive in-person retreat
- 12-week online cohort program

Annual membership for alumni or those already with a career in longevity is $199/yr for professionals and $99/yr for students and early stage entrepreneurs.

Are there scholarships available?

A limited number, but Yes!

We want to make the Longevity Biotech Fellowship as accessible as possible -- no matter your financial situation.

All successful applicants who require financial assistance will be given the opportunity to request a scholarship to help cover their cost.

What's the time commitment?

The retreat: 4 days of workshops, talks, project ideation.

Online 12-week program: Minimum 2-4 hours per week - or much more. Project working groups, Mastermind groups, Local Chapters meetings, and opportunities to work or volunteer for the LBF, our collaborators, and aligned companies and organizations.

Lifetime: Our connected network offers lifetime support and opportunities. At least until we solve aging - then maybe we'll just do an occasional Karaoke party reunion ;)